1.   However, Eckel and other authorities say the evidence is now strong enough to recommend a serving of fish once or twice a week.

2.   Nutritionists generally recommend two servings of fatty fish a week.

3.   Nutritionists recommend five servings a day of fruits and vegetables, whether they are fresh, canned or frozen.

4.   The association recommends two servings of fish a week.

v. + serving >>共 55
garnish 20.86%
top 12.95%
have 7.19%
eat 4.32%
sprinkle 4.32%
place 3.60%
do 2.88%
recommend 2.88%
equal 2.16%
get 2.16%
recommend + n. >>共 1000
change 4.41%
approval 2.62%
stock 2.50%
action 1.97%
book 1.49%
surgery 1.25%
treatment 1.16%
use 1.10%
charge 1.07%
dividend 1.07%
serving 0.12%
每页显示:    共 4