1.   Albinism, a recessive trait, must be inherited from both parents, and not all family members are affected.

2.   Every so often a Bengal tiger is born with almost white fur, the result of a recessive genetic trait.

3.   With kinked tails and cowlicks, recessive traits manifested in no other subspecies, the panthers were vulnerable to disease and parasitism and prone to heart abnormalities.

4.   The discovery means that potential parents will be able to find out whether they carry the recessive trait that causes the rare inherited disorder, called rod monochromacy.

a. + trait >>共 309
genetic 5.44%
common 4.91%
human 4.52%
same 2.66%
important 1.99%
desirable 1.86%
personal 1.86%
desired 1.59%
specific 1.33%
unusual 1.33%
recessive 0.53%
recessive + n. >>共 13
gene 65.91%
trait 9.09%
allele 2.27%
character 2.27%
color 2.27%
disorder 2.27%
form 2.27%
genius 2.27%
lover 2.27%
member 2.27%
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