1.   And the recent mass suicide of UFO cultists in Southern California appears to have boosted business.

2.   Anticipating the American charge that the council meeting ignored the recent suicide attacks, al-Kidwa said the Palestinians were clear in their condemnation of such acts.

3.   Arafat, for his part, has denounced the recent suicide attacks and asked for calm.

4.   After the recent suicide bombs in Jerusalem, Netanyahu imposed collective punishment on all Palestinians for the terrorist acts of an unknown few.

5.   Even before the three recent suicides, there had been about five or six suicides this year that seemed to be caused by bullying, according to Japanese newspapers.

6.   He is accused of having recruited two recent suicide bombers.

7.   He told Arafat that Arafat had an obligation to fight groups like Hamas, the Islamic radical movement that has claimed responsibility for recent suicide bombings.

8.   In an effort stimulated by the recent suicide of the girlfriend of another Giants player, Redmond has formed the National Coalition Against Violent Athletes.

9.   In fact, some say they did not learn of his record until his recent suicide attempt rekindled gossip about his criminal past.

10.   Instead, hostility repeatedly pokes through the surface, compounded by inevitable tensions from recent suicide bombings and other violence.

a. + suicide >>共 371
palestinian 13.46%
assisted 12.28%
mass 5.42%
physician-assisted 4.89%
apparent 4.33%
attempted 3.74%
committed 3.68%
recent 2.80%
deadly 2.62%
doctor-assisted 2.62%
recent + n. >>共 673
year 20.30%
week 9.12%
month 8.79%
day 6.38%
poll 1.39%
report 1.18%
study 1.09%
interview 1.05%
history 1.03%
visit 0.76%
suicide 0.12%
每页显示:    共 94