1.   Boyle cited a recent example of an elderly woman who was being physically abused.

2.   For a recent example of a successful challenge see R. v. H.M.

3.   Of this argument Max Hammerton, an experimental psychologist, is a good recent example.

4.   The following episodes are recent examples of allegations which have been made.

5.   The manifestations of the most recent example can be followed in the pages of the education press.

6.   Towards the end of each I will describe a recent example of a person who lived and suffered in such a way.

7.   She cited a number of recent examples to support her theory.

8.   A recent example from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Library may serve to illustrate the potential difficulties.

9.   Unfortunately, many recent examples of such work have utilized explanatory principles that have been left quite vague.

10.   Recent examples where advertising proved worth while are the Benzodiazepine claims and the Myodil litigation.

a. + example >>共 811
good 11.84%
prime 5.65%
perfect 4.74%
latest 3.70%
classic 3.10%
best 3.02%
recent 2.90%
extreme 1.74%
bad 1.57%
specific 1.53%
recent + n. >>共 673
year 20.30%
week 9.12%
month 8.79%
day 6.38%
poll 1.39%
report 1.18%
study 1.09%
interview 1.05%
history 1.03%
visit 0.76%
example 0.22%
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