1.   One candidate must receive a majority of the vote.

2.   What happens if no candidate receives an overall majority?

3.   Because no candidate received a majority, the election had to be decided in the House of Representatives.

4.   Because no candidate received a majority of electoral votes, the House of Representatives chose the president.

5.   A second round will be held next month if no candidate receives a majority.

6.   All four are in predominantly black areas in Jacksonville, where Gore received a majority of the votes.

7.   Bush received a majority of votes from men and Gore was backed by a majority of women.

8.   But if someone does receive a majority in the October primary, that candidate is considered elected.

9.   But none of the three skaters received a majority of first-place votes from the nine judges.

10.   Candidates from all parties appear on the ballot and the candidate who receives a majority of the votes is elected.

v. + majority >>共 432
win 14.63%
have 11.13%
hold 6.58%
accuse 3.89%
get 3.53%
lose 3.44%
gain 1.84%
receive 1.81%
command 1.75%
control 1.69%
receive + n. >>共 867
treatment 3.30%
money 2.70%
letter 2.58%
report 2.41%
threat 2.22%
call 2.15%
support 2.06%
approval 1.83%
complaint 1.55%
information 1.49%
majority 0.15%
每页显示:    共 60