1.   An important aspect of reading which must receive attention is the relationship between sound and symbol.

2.   Are there any other important aspects concerning Religious Life which should receive attention during the Synod?

3.   At the same time, substantial numbers of mentally handicapped and mentally ill persons were receiving some attention from the community services.

4.   But perhaps the biggest challenge and one that receives little attention is the enormous technical complexity of the Internet.

5.   But they predicted that until the disease entered the mainstream population, it would receive scant attention.

6.   Economic incentives or disincentives such as pollutant emission charges or taxes should receive more attention than they had received previously.

7.   Garden flowers received little attention at Thorndon, although asters were raised from seeds sent by Bartram.

8.   Gossip has received some attention in anthropology.

v. + attention >>共 193
pay 23.59%
draw 11.41%
attract 8.39%
turn 6.59%
focus 5.81%
get 5.80%
receive 3.50%
catch 2.68%
call 2.53%
divert 2.46%
receive + n. >>共 867
treatment 3.30%
money 2.70%
letter 2.58%
report 2.41%
threat 2.22%
call 2.15%
support 2.06%
approval 1.83%
complaint 1.55%
information 1.49%
attention 1.49%
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