1.   Ask questions on any subject and receive written answers.

2.   Both questions have to receive affirmative answers, and they are not mutually exclusive.

3.   I called her name, but received no answer, only an echo ringing in the gelid air.

4.   Kate never received an answer to this letter, for it never reached Minnie.

5.   To receive truthful answers from respondents is an expectation upon which all interviews are based.

6.   When Tabachnikov asked open-ended questions, she rarely received an answer.

7.   You can also leave a question and receive an answer by mail or telephone call within a week.

8.   We received several answers, and we picked one at random.

9.   He asked a few more questions, to which he received unsatisfactory answers.

10.   Not receiving an answer, she whirled round.

v. + answer >>共 425
have 21.88%
find 8.16%
get 7.93%
give 7.48%
know 7.12%
provide 6.33%
want 2.71%
receive 2.46%
seek 2.35%
offer 2.03%
receive + n. >>共 867
treatment 3.30%
money 2.70%
letter 2.58%
report 2.41%
threat 2.22%
call 2.15%
support 2.06%
approval 1.83%
complaint 1.55%
information 1.49%
answer 0.27%
每页显示:    共 108