1.   The immigration debate has been recast to focus on border security and homeland defense.

2.   RECASTS to focus on impact of the prize.

3.   RECASTS to focus on presidential run-off.

4.   Francis Wurtz of the French Communist Party warned that street protests could spread unless economic policies were recast to focus on job creation.

5.   RECASTS to focus on expected policies of new government.

6.   RECASTS to focus on Makah reaction.

v. + focus >>共 80
be 4.80%
recast 4.80%
seem 4.80%
opt 3.20%
reorganize 3.20%
resign 3.20%
use 3.20%
accord 2.40%
say 2.40%
act 1.60%
recast + v. >>共 5
focus 60.00%
apply 10.00%
avoid 10.00%
fix 10.00%
require 10.00%
每页显示:    共 6