1.   In carrying out his agenda, Ferrer would be reasserting the role of the city government in areas where it has pulled back in recent years.

2.   Second, it seeks to reassert the role of parents in policy-making.

3.   That nearly doubled the inventory downtown and reasserted its role as a business center.

4.   The Rose Center reasserts the role of the Museum of Natural History as a place where primary education and advanced research intersect.

5.   Long criticized as ineffectual and unassertive, the league is trying to reassert its role by resuming annual summits as a way to resolve regional debates and unify Arabs.

6.   Washington, which sent the US Navy to protect the Chinese Nationalist island, quickly reasserted its role as guarantor of regional security.

v. + role >>共 429
play 33.73%
have 8.33%
deny 2.66%
take 2.31%
fill 2.27%
assume 2.26%
accept 1.30%
reverse 1.19%
reduce 1.03%
expand 0.91%
reassert 0.06%
reassert + n. >>共 56
control 28.63%
authority 24.05%
claim 6.11%
dominance 3.44%
power 2.67%
leadership 2.67%
influence 2.29%
role 2.29%
position 1.91%
belief 1.53%
每页显示:    共 6