1.   His worst fears were realized and he was arrested.

2.   After a storm at sea and a stint inside the whale, Jonah finally obeyed God and traveled to Nineveh, and his worst fears were realized.

3.   But his fears never were realized.

4.   But for all the havoc wreaked by crack, the worst fears were not realized.

5.   But in the Olympic Games, everyone had to show up and their worst fears were realized.

6.   Democrats and one of their strongest allies, organized labor, are beginning to realize their fears about President George W. Bush.

7.   Family members said Islam turned his back briefly to unload the food when his fears were realized.

8.   His fears may be realized.

9.   His worst fears were realized.

10.   His fears are being realized all the same.

v. + fear >>共 569
raise 12.95%
express 9.54%
have 4.76%
allay 4.38%
ease 3.98%
spark 2.90%
calm 2.23%
voice 2.15%
dismiss 1.81%
fuel 1.79%
realize 0.39%
realize + n. >>共 377
dream 9.08%
mistake 5.83%
importance 4.64%
potential 4.31%
error 3.31%
goal 2.72%
value 2.58%
need 1.86%
saving 1.86%
fear 1.86%
每页显示:    共 28