1.   Moreover, religious and patriotic works fulfilled an important role in reaffirming traditional beliefs.

2.   Mr Gorbachev reaffirmed his belief in perestroika, politely observing that economic reform was not a prescription for every country.

3.   And his sad departure once again reaffirms my belief that the most harrowing element about the passing of time is the passing of friends.

4.   And last week, Castro reaffirmed his belief that despite the current trends toward global capitalism, his socialist vision of the world would prevail.

5.   Baker, a proven style-setter, reaffirmed its belief in the resurgence of classic contemporary designs with additions to two major collections.

6.   Boyd says the project reaffirmed his belief in how both Cuba and New Orleans continue to embrace their roots despite tourist demands and commercial pressures.

7.   Buckley reaffirmed his belief that Rusnak probably had help from inside and outside Allfirst.

8.   But mostly she reaffirms my belief in life.

9.   For Williams, the lead negotiator with the city and a Black Israelite priest, the crackdown only reaffirmed his belief that his brethren are persecuted apostles.

10.   He reaffirmed his belief that, despite the trends toward worldwide capitalism, his socialist vision of the world would eventually prevail.

v. + belief >>共 340
share 5.81%
express 4.16%
have 3.73%
reinforce 3.59%
reflect 3.59%
reiterate 3.52%
confirm 2.80%
hold 2.66%
support 1.94%
reaffirm 1.79%
reaffirm + n. >>共 211
commitment 20.90%
support 12.74%
opposition 3.57%
intention 2.66%
decision 2.66%
position 2.57%
importance 2.38%
belief 2.29%
determination 2.11%
faith 1.83%
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