1.   But Conservative and Labour partisans who disagreed about the bias in their daily papers were reading different papers.

2.   Drink my coffee...

3.   Read my paper...

4.   During breakfast, I usually read the paper.

5.   Have you finished reading the papers?

6.   He read the paper while the tea brewed.

7.   I am sure you read the papers and know the stories.

8.   I never read the papers very much, or listened to the news.

9.   I read those papers you wrote.

10.   Jill was reading the paper, crunching a raw carrot as she read.

v. + paper >>共 691
file 6.69%
say 5.21%
sign 3.66%
read 3.39%
publish 2.59%
use 2.53%
have 2.46%
tell 1.91%
write 1.89%
check 1.71%
read + n. >>共 936
book 11.39%
newspaper 4.47%
verdict 3.42%
statement 3.33%
letter 3.21%
story 2.70%
article 1.95%
report 1.74%
paper 1.74%
script 1.61%
每页显示:    共 148