1.   During Lent, in the Orthodox churches, the gospels are read at a single sitting.

2.   Read the gospel.

3.   The service was in Greek, but the gospel was read in several other languages including English, French and Turkish.

4.   During the mass, a gypsy priest read the gospel and a young fortune-teller recited the Lords Prayer in Romany.

v. + gospel >>共 39
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preach 29.88%
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write 2.44%
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have 1.22%
espouse 1.22%
proclaim 1.22%
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read + n. >>共 936
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newspaper 4.47%
verdict 3.42%
statement 3.33%
letter 3.21%
story 2.70%
article 1.95%
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script 1.61%
gospel 0.05%
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