1.   That leaves Bush, in Texas, poised to reach national prominence as a Republican advocating a cooler approach to the issue.

2.   But Greek-Americans have not reached the prominence in professional baseball that they have in politics, the media, and the arts.

3.   Is he the next Dirk Graham, a solid leader who never reached the prominence of Clarke or Hunter?

v. + prominence >>共 41
gain 36.87%
give 17.05%
achieve 10.14%
assume 3.23%
attain 3.23%
regain 2.30%
take 1.84%
reach 1.84%
bring 1.38%
maintain 1.38%
reach + n. >>共 697
agreement 21.92%
settlement 3.30%
decision 2.83%
compromise 2.54%
final 2.45%
level 2.12%
accord 2.02%
conclusion 1.95%
point 1.79%
consensus 1.65%
prominence 0.01%
每页显示:    共 4