1.   He nibbled on a piece of raw carrot.

2.   Jill was reading the paper, crunching a raw carrot as she read.

3.   Some raw carrots and stuff.

4.   Chewing a raw carrot, Erdman said, leaves relatively large, tough chunks that cannot be broken down easily by digestive enzymes.

5.   No complaints of parents letting their infants eat raw carrots or zwieback as a result of the article have been reported, Ms. Wheeler said.

a. + carrot >>共 154
shredded 6.03%
grated 5.32%
sliced 4.61%
fresh 3.55%
cooked 3.19%
diced 2.13%
chopped 2.13%
raw 1.77%
biggest 1.42%
roasted 1.42%
raw + n. >>共 662
sewage 5.34%
meat 4.90%
datum 3.63%
nerve 3.41%
talent 3.31%
fish 3.16%
egg 3.05%
emotion 2.51%
vegetable 2.36%
power 2.25%
carrot 0.18%
每页显示:    共 5