1.   A gust of wind rattled the window.

2.   A sudden wind moaned around the little stone building, rattling the windows.

3.   The Cannon halted rush-hour traffic as it rattled the windows of every car and skyscraper for blocks around.

4.   A violent explosion rattled the windows.

5.   And they felt it, the noise that rattled their windows.

6.   But now this sound, which used to only rattle windows, rattles nerves as well.

7.   Enough to rattle the windows.

8.   Explosions powerful enough to rattle windows in the capital started slowly Monday morning but built to a nearly continuous crescendo by evening.

9.   Explosions powerful enough to rattle windows in the capital started slowly on Monday morning but built as the day went on.

10.   He rattles the windows with a machine-gun cackle.

v. + window >>共 445
shatter 12.99%
smash 12.57%
break 11.16%
open 7.81%
blow 4.92%
out 3.75%
have 3.14%
close 2.93%
cover 2.53%
rattle 1.92%
rattle + n. >>共 245
window 11.36%
market 6.93%
investor 6.65%
nerve 4.57%
cage 2.49%
city 2.35%
area 2.22%
building 1.94%
saber 1.94%
confidence 1.52%
每页显示:    共 82