1.   Parents need to be fully informed so they can make a rational decision.

2.   Like the CAPM it assumes that investors prefer more wealth to less, less risk to more risk, and that they are rational decision makers.

3.   The guidelines say that there should be no treatment given to cause death, at the request of a patient who is unable to make rational decisions for himself.

4.   They are all angry, they are desolate, but they have made a rational decision not to be bitter.

5.   In the novel it was the function of Gothic to open horizons beyond social patterns, rational decisions, and institutionally approved emotions.

6.   At this point the aggression is a knee-jerk reaction and not a rational decision.

7.   A Congress willing to look at how legislative costs are borne by society will surely make more rational decisions about the laws it passes.

8.   But in defiance of a main tenet of mainstream economics, that people make rational decisions in their best interest, hardly anyone returned the checks.

9.   But taking the politics out of safety policymaking and enforcement would lead to more rational decisions.

10.   Each defended it as a rational decision.

a. + decision >>共 686
final 18.55%
right 2.49%
tough 2.36%
difficult 2.12%
unanimous 1.97%
major 1.68%
political 1.55%
bad 1.47%
important 1.46%
recent 1.43%
rational 0.15%
rational + n. >>共 263
expectation 5.44%
thought 4.11%
explanation 3.51%
basis 3.39%
person 2.90%
decision 2.78%
argument 2.66%
mind 2.30%
approach 2.18%
analysis 2.18%
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