1.   Logical deals are killed, rational arguments are shouted down, ambitious engineers are demoralized.

2.   Nuclear weapons are so absurd that rational argument about their use is scarcely possible.

3.   Nuclear weapons are so inherently absurd that rational argument about their use is scarcely possible.

4.   Often the interaction between interest groups has consisted largely of assertion not fully supported by objective data or rational argument.

5.   Idealistic pacifists who thought that tyranny could be toppled by rational argument and mutual understanding.

6.   The banning of the ordeal symbolized a triumph for rational argument over the old magical formulas.

7.   In schools, in particular, the emotional response of students may well outweigh rational argument when it comes to selecting subjects to study.

8.   History assists intellectual development in that it depends on rational argument and discussion, and provides practice in the skills necessary to argue a case.

a. + argument >>共 903
closing 13.01%
oral 5.85%
legal 4.41%
opening 3.35%
final 3.00%
same 2.94%
heated 2.93%
strong 2.13%
similar 1.74%
good 1.70%
rational 0.43%
rational + n. >>共 263
expectation 5.44%
thought 4.11%
explanation 3.51%
basis 3.39%
person 2.90%
decision 2.78%
argument 2.66%
mind 2.30%
approach 2.18%
analysis 2.18%
每页显示:    共 22