1.   Colombia, Uruguay and Chile are the only Latin American countries whose sovereign debt is rated investment grade.

2.   OECD membership follows improved credit ratings for the Czech Republic, the only Eastern European country to be rated investment grade.

3.   One example might be where the bonds of a company are already trading at substantial discounts even as the debt is still rated investment grade.

4.   --Our debt is currently rated investment grade by one rating agency and below investment grade by four rating agencies.

5.   The bond is rated investment grade, according to Pullman, but he declined to be specific.

6.   The net result is that remittance bonds could be rated investment grade, substantially lowering the borrowing cost.

a. + investment >>共 796
foreign 19.94%
private 4.05%
new 3.69%
direct 2.55%
long-term 1.63%
major 1.44%
good 1.42%
japanese 1.28%
chief 1.23%
large 1.06%
rated 0.03%
rated + n. >>共 116
bond 5.85%
player 4.39%
show 3.90%
company 3.41%
debt 3.41%
investment 2.93%
above-average 2.44%
one 2.44%
issue 1.95%
program 1.95%
每页显示:    共 6