1.   Movement artefacts gave rapid fluctuations that occurred simultaneously at all recording sites and were easily differentiated from colonic contractions and discarded from analysis.

2.   Like hot-wire anemometers, laser-Doppler ones respond to rapid fluctuations in the velocity and thus can be used to study the details of transitional and turbulent flows.

3.   This is widely used for steady or mean pressure measurements but cannot respond to rapid fluctuations.

4.   Gore has never moved close to the lead in the public polls here, which makes the rapid fluctuations in strategy more difficult to fathom.

5.   Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto said Wednesday rapid fluctuations in the foreign exchange market were undersirable, but had no objections to range movement.

a. + fluctuation >>共 145
wild 9.39%
sharp 7.36%
wide 5.84%
recent 4.31%
seasonal 3.55%
short-term 3.05%
daily 2.79%
normal 2.54%
economic 2.03%
natural 1.78%
rapid 1.27%
rapid + n. >>共 708
growth 14.64%
reaction 9.24%
change 4.48%
expansion 3.63%
development 3.43%
rise 3.22%
pace 3.10%
deployment 2.05%
succession 1.97%
progress 1.91%
fluctuation 0.10%
每页显示:    共 5