1.   Also, a few leeds fans who noticed some rangers fans in the crowd, actually wished them good luck for the rest of the competition.

2.   Ranger fans need not fret that their team is rattled after losing the opener.

3.   Ranger fans, who can be harsh on some Rangers, have not booed or heckled him.

4.   Rangers fans are blithely new at this postseason thing.

5.   Rangers fans should watch the Indians carefully, particularly if the Red Sox win the wild card.

6.   Rangers fans, of course, know better.

7.   Ranger fans have always believed hockey is a participatory sport, and they were hoping to contribute to the Rangers breaking the club record for going undefeated at home.

8.   Ranger fans, and several former Ranger coaches, can guess what happened next.

9.   Rangers fans are some of the best in baseball.

10.   Rangers fans do owe a large part of it to The Ballpark and the Arlington voters who made it possible.

n. + fan >>共 718
sport 11.56%
baseball 11.15%
soccer 9.86%
football 8.63%
music 3.75%
basketball 3.54%
golf 2.93%
hockey 2.57%
exhaust 1.83%
race 1.60%
ranger 0.60%
ranger + n. >>共 105
manager 25.78%
fan 5.47%
station 5.08%
president 4.30%
catcher 4.10%
starter 3.91%
pitcher 3.52%
owner 3.32%
coach 2.93%
right-hander 2.54%
每页显示:    共 28