1.   Any sign of change would raise concerns that Mexico was giving up its carefully guarded independence.

2.   Allowing clerks to refuse some filings raises serious legal concerns, said James Harrington, legal director of Texas Civil Rights Project in Austin.

3.   Dingell today expressed support for the subpoena idea, saying the settlement raises concerns that past industry wrongdoing could be swept under the rug by the settlement.

4.   Giving so much control to a computer raises concerns that a machine will miss the subtleties and nuances of what makes a good employee.

5.   Increasing supplies of the plastic raise concerns about the ability to sustain high returns, analysts said.

6.   That raises concerns about their effect on the entire ecosystem, said Andy Scott, research director at Rio Farms, a private agricultural research foundation.

7.   The findings raise concerns about the effect of videos on how teen-agers approach conflicts and how they view each other, said Rich, a psychiatrist and former filmmaker.

8.   These seem reasonable steps, but other provisions raise real concerns.

9.   Features that one day can pinpoint your whereabouts to within the length of a football field raise enormous privacy concerns, but they also offer enormous benefits.

10.   The Privacy Foundation, however, questions why the company needed to collect so much specific information in the first place and raises concerns whether subscriber were adequately informed.

n. + concern >>共 659
security 26.86%
safety 10.94%
investor 6.54%
health 4.55%
privacy 3.16%
inflation 2.51%
government 1.15%
consumer 1.00%
business 0.76%
weather 0.74%
raise 0.24%
raise + n. >>共 89
tax 9.50%
question 9.09%
money 7.85%
rate 7.02%
concern 4.55%
fund 4.13%
issue 3.72%
hope 2.48%
price 2.48%
capital 2.07%
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