1.   What geophysicists have been lacking is a way to measure the temperature deep down, where radioactive heating plays a lesser role.

2.   The initial estimate was based partly on the time required for radioactive heating to cause the subducted oceanic crust and sediment to become buoyant and rise.

3.   It now appears that radioactive heating would be less important than conductive heating from the core, allowing a faster cycle time.

a. + heating >>共 80
daytime 22.06%
uneven 11.03%
diurnal 7.12%
solar 7.12%
afternoon 5.34%
domestic 3.20%
home 2.85%
strong 2.14%
maximum 1.78%
surface 1.78%
radioactive 1.42%
radioactive + n. >>共 250
material 23.41%
waste 17.38%
substance 4.40%
isotope 2.97%
leak 2.97%
iodine 2.58%
element 2.35%
contamination 2.25%
dust 1.82%
fallout 1.77%
heating 0.19%
每页显示:    共 4