1.   He radiated calm confidence.

2.   And with a month until Election Day, he radiates confidence.

3.   Buchanan seemed to radiate confidence as he pressed his latest message that he was the only conservative who was a viable alternative to Bob Dole.

4.   If the parents exuded nervous anxiety, there were some in the throng of youngsters who radiated assertive confidence.

5.   In an interview, Drabinsky seemed to radiate confidence about his new project.

6.   It looked shopworn and no longer radiated the confidence that came, in part, from its status as a gathering place for the rich and powerful.

7.   Most of his colleagues radiated confidence.

8.   Ms. Martin, he said, radiated confidence.

9.   Secretary of Defense William Perry is ordinarily an unflappable man, radiating inner confidence.

10.   They radiate confidence.

v. + confidence >>共 428
express 14.76%
have 13.02%
restore 9.45%
lose 5.47%
boost 3.57%
gain 3.37%
regain 2.69%
undermine 2.69%
give 2.45%
shake 2.24%
radiate 0.19%
radiate + n. >>共 120
heat 8.76%
energy 8.76%
confidence 6.91%
warmth 3.23%
kind 2.30%
sense 2.30%
light 1.84%
charisma 1.84%
voussoir 1.84%
intelligence 1.38%
每页显示:    共 15