1.   Radial keratotomy involves making radial cuts in the cornea, while excimer laser treatment removes a thin layer from its surface.

2.   An older technique, radial keratotomy, required making slits deep into the cornea.

3.   In radial keratotomy, tiny incisions are made in the cornea to correct nearsightedness.

4.   Radial keratotomy is a procedure in which spoke-like slits are cut into the surface of the cornea, the clear, curved covering of the eye.

5.   The new technology is an alternative to radial keratotomy, a technique that involves using a scalpel to make a series of incisions around the cornea.

6.   The need is even greater, he adds, for someone who has had vision-correcting radial keratotomy surgery, which weakens the cornea.

7.   They offer brochures, tapes and free seminars about radial keratotomy -- a controversial but increasingly popular eye operation.

8.   In radial keratotomy, surgeons slice the cornea with a knife, or laser surgery, which shaves the cornea to flatten it.

9.   It grew out of an older coverage for a relatively rare eye procedure known as radial keratotomy.

10.   KeraVision Inc. of Fremont, California, which makes the rings, said the cost of the rings would be comparable to radial keratotomy.

a. + keratotomy >>共 3
radial 76.92%
astigmatic 15.38%
photoreactive 7.69%
radial + n. >>共 44
keratotomy 12.50%
arm 8.75%
shield 8.75%
design 5.00%
tyre 5.00%
circuit 2.50%
aircraft 2.50%
expansion 2.50%
immunodiffusion 2.50%
pattern 2.50%
每页显示:    共 10