1.   He then wrote, his quill pen scratching a piece of vellum.

2.   Other questions - did he have a quill pen, and therefore a supply of ink?

3.   Then he would put his quill pens aside and consider an honest job of work.

4.   Wrote with steel nibs whereas Gustave always used a quill pen.

5.   Holding his bat with the precision of a monk wielding a quill pen, he waited patiently for whatever Mafouz should deliver.

6.   What are the advantages of actually using a computer to keep accounts as opposed to a gentleman sitting on a tall stool with a quill pen?

7.   According to pen lore, Waterman, an insurance salesman, lost a sale when his quill pen dripped ink on a contract.

8.   Faye Resnick would have had to use a quill pen and carry her tale, by horseback, from town to town.

9.   For students like Sam who grew up with the Web, the idea of roaming library stacks is as quaint as the thought of writing with a quill pen.

n. + pen >>共 122
veto 13.73%
quill 9.25%
felt-tip 6.87%
ball 3.58%
ball-point 3.58%
cattle 2.69%
tip 2.39%
jungle 2.09%
ink 2.09%
pig 2.09%
quill + n. >>共 3
pen 93.94%
nib 3.03%
quandary 3.03%
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