1.   But he did acknowledged that AOL Time Warner still had problems and still had questions to answer about its direction.

2.   More questions to answer.

3.   Ms. Williams said she came first in mid-February, filled out an application, answered some questions and left.

4.   She used her business line for all her inquiries and answered financial questions only when dealing directly with a dealership.

5.   So, to answer your next question ...

6.   The exam would be interactive, so that if candidates score well early in the test, they would have fewer questions to answer.

7.   Wherever she puts her hands, she leaves a trail of moisture and questions to answer.

8.   He stood outside in the stinging Siberian wind, the only hatless, gloveless man in sight, and answered questions from audiences until they had no more.

9.   It is with that spirit that we send Condi Rice to Moscow to formalize the process, to answer questions.

10.   She hesitated at the door, then walked in and happily answered questioned that ranged from philosophical to personal.

v. + answer >>共 71
question 7.87%
stop 7.87%
be 7.09%
use 3.94%
remain 3.15%
work 3.15%
better 2.36%
do 2.36%
pause 2.36%
return 2.36%
question + v. >>共 60
ask 12.90%
determine 9.68%
answer 8.06%
be 6.45%
follow 4.03%
regard 3.23%
get 2.42%
avoid 2.42%
raise 2.42%
try 2.42%
每页显示:    共 10