1.   And even if it does consider a potential delisting material, the company might not be obliged to disclose it until its next quarterly SEC filing.

2.   A grand jury disbanded without taking action against its Campbell-Taggart baking division, the company said in a quarterly filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

3.   But the company did not include details of it in its next quarterly SEC filing in August, as the SEC requires.

4.   Companies typically use those forms to disclose important news to investors and regulators that does not appear in their regular quarterly filings.

5.   Dow Jones said in the quarterly SEC filing that its financial services information segment lost market share relative to competitors this year.

6.   For example, securities regulators might decide to monitor hedge funds weekly or monthly, rather than rely on the quarterly filings now made to the futures commission.

7.   Finova does not list its customers in its quarterly financial filings.

8.   In a quarterly filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Northeast said it expects a judge to start hearings on the New Hampshire plan next month.

9.   In its most recent quarterly filing, the company warned it might have to sell the units at a loss or take a charge if it keeps them.

10.   Instead, only quarterly filings would be required -- making hostile tender offers easier to launch.

a. + filing >>共 150
sec 21.86%
electronic 11.18%
regulatory 6.34%
legal 4.60%
new 3.23%
recent 3.23%
quarterly 2.61%
public 2.24%
financial 2.11%
subsequent 1.99%
quarterly + n. >>共 227
earnings 16.57%
result 10.71%
report 9.94%
loss 5.86%
profit 5.41%
survey 3.16%
basis 2.19%
meeting 1.99%
expiration 1.99%
newsletter 1.68%
filing 1.07%
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