1.   Where suitably qualified individuals are available, electoral boards will contain at least one member of each sex.

2.   American officials insist that Foege is the most qualified individual for the job.

3.   Analysts also said it may be a sign that qualified individuals may be able to serve in public life without being attacked for their sexual orientation.

4.   But in the end, we choose two qualified individuals to represent our major parties, and we challenge them to convince us that they deserve our vote.

5.   But that benefit is outweighed by the negative impact of perpetuating a clubhouse-dominated election system that discourages many qualified individuals from trying for judicial office.

6.   He is still the most qualified individual out there at a time when the economy is in question and international affairs are of great concern.

7.   That should shame both sides into finally producing a slate of qualified individuals who are above partisanship.

8.   The federal government would then dispense vouchers from this fund that qualified low-income individuals could use for signing up for an E-mail service or buying the necessary computer equipment.

9.   The record after five years shows that the policy is not protecting qualified individuals from being forced out.

10.   The people now in a position to write anti-quota laws believe that jobs and contracts should be awarded strictly to the most qualified individuals.

a. + individual >>共 734
wealthy 10.90%
private 9.25%
single 2.67%
specific 1.87%
particular 1.60%
healthy 1.56%
infected 1.51%
different 1.42%
same 1.29%
foreign 1.20%
qualified 0.62%
qualified + n. >>共 401
teacher 6.17%
worker 5.13%
candidate 4.87%
people 4.35%
applicant 3.12%
support 2.79%
majority 1.75%
personnel 1.75%
staff 1.75%
yes 1.62%
individual 0.91%
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