1.   In fact, most Chinese loosely believe in the supernatural forces evoked by various qigong sects.

2.   Last year, that department began evaluating qigong sects for legal approval.

3.   More traditional qigong sects are mainly devoted to health and fitness.

4.   They banned Falun Gong in July and ordered police checks on other popular qigong sects and their often charismatic leaders.

n. + sect >>共 28
minority 27.27%
doomsday 21.97%
majority 12.88%
meditation 12.88%
qigong 3.03%
offshoot 2.27%
country 1.52%
fall 1.52%
pacifist 1.52%
warrior 1.52%
qigong + n. >>共 9
master 23.53%
sect 23.53%
group 11.76%
school 11.76%
belief 5.88%
club 5.88%
exercise 5.88%
organization 5.88%
society 5.88%
每页显示:    共 4