1.   A compulsory purchase order has been served on your business premises.

2.   Each year the trading partners exchange millions of invoices, checks, purchase orders, financial reports, and other transactions.

3.   If this could be shown to be the case they would have been entitled to a share purchase order from the Court.

4.   The lease has now expired and a compulsory purchase order has been placed.

5.   The local council also opposes the compulsory purchase order.

6.   The Department of Transport failed in its legal duty to locate each individual owner in order to serve compulsory purchase orders.

7.   Thus the purchase order is either an offer or a counter-offer, but in neither event does the contract come into existence at this stage.

8.   He has approved compulsory purchase orders and side roads orders connected with the proposed Rhuddlan bypass, work on which is due to start during the coming year.

9.   As proof, she sent invoices from each vendor and a copy of each purchase order.

10.   Barrio has already reported overspending and irregularities in billing linked to the purchase orders.

n. + order >>共 803
factory 5.35%
government 4.68%
world 3.41%
evacuation 3.37%
deportation 3.20%
sell 3.16%
goods 2.91%
arrest 1.90%
buy 1.85%
limit 1.73%
purchase 1.18%
purchase + n. >>共 183
price 41.17%
agreement 9.89%
order 4.95%
plan 4.06%
contract 2.39%
accounting 2.12%
option 1.50%
offer 1.50%
date 1.33%
cost 1.06%
每页显示:    共 56