1.   In Iraq there was glee over the fall of President Bush, seen by Baghdad as the driving force behind the Gulf War and punitive UN sanctions.

2.   Arafat also argued that the Israeli punitive sanctions only served the extremists.

3.   At the same time they would streamline punitive economic sanctions against Iraq.

4.   Clinton has reservations, however, about a provision that would prevent future presidents from restricting U.S. food or medicine exports as part of punitive sanctions against other nations.

5.   Clinton was threatening punitive sanctions on Japanese luxury car exports to America, and the administration seemed to see barriers to U.S. cars selling in Japan everywhere they looked.

6.   He voted for punitive economic sanctions that penalize foreign companies that have ambitious oil and gas development projects in Iran.

7.   If the WTO were to rule in favor of the United States, Mexico could face punitive sanctions.

8.   In exchange, Washington shelved its plans to seek punitive economic sanctions against Pyongyang.

9.   Our judicial arsenal and our punitive sanctions should be adapted to circumstances and applied with all necessary firmness.

10.   Robert Scott, international economist for the Washington-based Economic Policy Institute, claims the Ivory Coast is a logical candidate for punitive sanctions.

a. + sanction >>共 487
economic 31.20%
international 10.61%
new 4.22%
possible 2.68%
crippling 2.62%
further 1.76%
unilateral 1.69%
tougher 1.69%
imposing 1.68%
lifting 1.54%
punitive 1.00%
punitive + n. >>共 134
measure 22.60%
action 16.47%
tariff 14.36%
damage 8.76%
sanction 6.86%
trade 2.22%
award 2.01%
duty 1.90%
strike 1.69%
tax 1.58%
每页显示:    共 65