1.   The increasing tendency of governments to avoid the right of jury trial by creating media offences punishable only by judges or magistrates is disturbing.

2.   Under the anti-communist law, possession of books, documents or materials related to the propagation of communism is an offence punishable by imprisonment.

3.   A new law came into force in Britain Monday making cruelty to wild creatures an offence punishable by up to six months in jail.

4.   A Singapore narcotics officer was charged in court Wednesday after being implicated in drug trafficking, an offence punishable with death, officials said.

5.   A trial resumed Thursday of eight Kurdish members of the Turkish parliament charged with separatism, an offence theoretically punishable by death.

6.   According to Zambian law, defaming a head of state is a criminal offence punishable by up to three years in prison.

7.   Asare pointed out that many Moslems regard apostasy as an offence punishable by death, unless the person concerned changes his or her mind within three days.

8.   Bangladeshi media groups expressed outrage Sunday at a proposed law that could make criticism of lawmakers a criminal offence punishable by up to seven years in jail.

9.   Boumaarafi faces charges of plotting against the state, manslaughter and wounding by firearm, offences punishable by death.

10.   Boumaarafi faces charges of plotting against the state, voluntary homicide and wounding by firearm, offences punishable by death.

a. + offence >>共 147
criminal 15.20%
serious 9.07%
second 6.77%
alleged 6.64%
bookable 6.26%
similar 4.21%
same 4.21%
first 3.32%
sexual 3.19%
minor 3.19%
punishable 1.92%
punishable + n. >>共 34
crime 34.40%
offense 22.00%
felony 13.20%
misdemeanor 7.20%
offence 6.00%
act 3.20%
charge 2.40%
blunder 0.80%
theory 0.80%
conduct 0.40%
每页显示:    共 15