1.   Mike Galloway joined them later after pulling back Dundee skipper Dodds.

2.   A White House official argued Friday that there was no inconsistency in providing further economic aid while pulling back involvement with the military.

3.   Like Clint Eastwood pulling back his poncho from his holster, you reach for the remote.

4.   Perhaps a voter started to vote for Gore, then changed his mind, pulling back the stylus.

5.   Robitaille growled playfully at Jagr, pulling back his hand.

6.   Three other policemen, also cooing, leaned in, one of them pulling back the tiny blanket for a better look.

7.   A top Russian commander later told the Interfax news agency that troops were pulling back in several places and said some Russian checkpoints were being removed.

8.   For the moment, alliance fighters actually were pulling back their positions to put their troops at a safe distance from U.S. bombs hitting Taliban forces, he said.

9.   Russia claims that pulling back from the treaty risks upsetting the strategic nuclear balance and could unleash a new arms race.

10.   Yet Okocha three times went close to pulling a goal back.

v. + back >>共 145
come 4.73%
get 4.73%
go 4.73%
pull 4.10%
run 3.79%
look 3.47%
bring 2.84%
push 2.52%
head 2.52%
date 2.21%
pull + v. >>共 49
be 27.00%
back 13.00%
out 6.00%
remove 3.00%
troop 3.00%
make 2.00%
cock 2.00%
string 2.00%
up 2.00%
do 1.00%
每页显示:    共 13