1.   However some fish, such as the puffer fish, produce poisons as a by-product of their natural metabolisms.

2.   The puffer fish is found in warmer parts of the world both in sea water and fresh water.

3.   Poison from the puffer fish, tetrodotoxin, prevents conduction in nerves.

4.   He and his colleagues tallied human genes by matching them to their counterparts in the puffer fish, where genes are easier to count.

5.   Washington D.C. Fugu, a Japanese dish prepared from puffer fish and from which the natural poison is not always entirely removed.

6.   Last week, the federal Food and Drug Administration warned against eating puffer fish harvested from the Titusville area, and the state has temporarily banned their consumption.

7.   Saxitoxin has been reported in puffer fish in the Far East and the Philippines, scientists said, but has not previously been reported in Florida.

8.   The boxfish is related to the better-known puffer fish and lives primarily in tropical waters around coral reefs in the Pacific Ocean.

9.   The paralytic shellfish toxin is not normally found in puffer fish.

n. + fish >>共 257
bait 4.56%
hatchery 4.18%
trophy 2.66%
sport 2.47%
aquarium 2.28%
reef 2.28%
puffer 2.28%
ocean 2.09%
water 2.09%
bottom 1.90%
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