1.   The publishers knew that kids love codes that help them keep their Marvelous secrets.

2.   The crowds are the biggest the bookshop has seen and the book is selling faster than any the publisher has known.

3.   But modern publishers knew they needed a very formidable, sure-selling author to make the installment plan succeed.

4.   Computer game publishers also know that the best way to get people interested in their product is to whet their appetites with a small taste of the full game.

5.   Daily journalism is a cyclical business, as every publisher knows, and many local factors affect circulation figures and advertising revenue.

6.   Magazine publishers know more about their readers.

7.   Many times the publisher does not know at the time the boxes are printed what the final requirement for basic memory will be.

8.   Online publishers know they need a good lure.

9.   Publishers know that gamers who purchase the latest in hardware are more likely to buy software that will show off its capabilities.

10.   Publishers know this hunger exists.

n. + know >>共 914
people 7.61%
official 3.07%
player 2.30%
fan 1.94%
scientist 1.90%
world 1.74%
company 1.66%
police 1.62%
man 1.41%
team 1.28%
publisher 0.11%
publisher + v. >>共 504
be 10.34%
say 8.91%
have 4.56%
want 2.09%
make 1.59%
offer 1.37%
do 1.21%
try 1.15%
hope 0.99%
agree 0.93%
know 0.88%
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