1.   All the publicity had a negative impact on sales.

2.   All this prepublication publicity had the desired effect.

3.   And Collinsworth said all the publicity might have an ulterior undercurrent.

4.   But DiNatale said the bad publicity may have crystallized public interest in the issue of how much time Weld is spending on national interests.

5.   But Schundler, the mayor of Jersey City, is now arguing that the accumulated weight of all the negative publicity has made DiFrancesco unelectable against McGreevey in November.

6.   Companies that allow, or even encourage, their fund managers to speak to the press consider the publicity to have value.

7.   For their part, crash investigators at the safety board say the publicity has some drawbacks.

8.   It is not clear whether negative publicity over the collapse of Toho may also have any impact in the minds of policyholders on the reputation of GE Edison.

9.   Kredietbank has consistently denied the charges, and said earlier this month that the negative publicity has not cost it much business.

10.   Recently, though, adverse publicity may have discouraged contributors.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
publicity 0%
publicity + v. >>共 166
be 20.04%
help 6.25%
make 3.66%
have 2.80%
do 2.37%
prompt 2.16%
lead 2.16%
force 1.94%
hurt 1.72%
surround 1.72%
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