1.   In openly courting public scorn, Lennon and Ono engineered a vital public debate about peace and love as realistic goals, not just naive nonsense.

2.   Aside from questions of race or class, second juries in such cases are inevitably influenced by the public scorn heaped on the first jury, Braun argued.

3.   Accusers of molesting priests have faced their share of public scorn and skepticism as well.

4.   But if public scorn counts for anything, Simpson has been given a life sentence without parole.

5.   Dole called Nixon a foreign-policy wizard and tipped his hat to his toughness in the face of public scorn after he left the White House.

6.   Federal judges granted the protection of lifetime tenure by the Constitution should be made of sterner stuff, even if it means having to endure public scorn and ostracism.

7.   For Tom Lasorda, it has been a joyous two weeks tinged by nasty innuendo and public scorn.

8.   Given that approach, some Republicans think Democrats risk public scorn if they decide to go into an attack mode at their convention in Los Angeles.

9.   He has performed admirably in light of public scorn and perceived slights by the organization before and will probably do so again.

10.   He used it to unify Republicans and to develop public scorn for the institution as a springboard for Republican control.

a. + scorn >>共 45
public 16.28%
international 9.30%
withering 6.98%
special 5.81%
heaped 4.65%
particular 4.65%
growing 4.65%
conservative 2.33%
national 2.33%
worldwide 2.33%
public + n. >>共 762
support 2.43%
fund 2.08%
appearance 2.05%
hearing 1.96%
comment 1.87%
official 1.85%
transport 1.69%
education 1.68%
statement 1.66%
office 1.58%
scorn 0.03%
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