1.   His public outbursts of temper and his oratorical thunderbolts of defiance were likewise psychological reinforcements for a person who needed them.

2.   Angry public outbursts are no longer shrugged off.

3.   He is more self-deprecating than defensive, more prone to public outbursts of analysis than anger.

4.   So his public outburst in a quiet hall the other day was all the more shocking.

5.   The dispute looms as an international scandal, has triggered several public outbursts and has unsettled even private specialists.

6.   Any anti-American public outburst is seen as an embarrassment to the Kuwaiti government.

7.   Demonstrations are banned in Singapore, a tightly controlled Southeast Asian city-state, and spontaneous public outbursts are rare.

8.   Hun Sen has established control over Cambodia and public outbursts against him have been almost nonexistent.

9.   In a rare public outburst by the military, a senior army official compared the governing Islamic party to Muslim guerrillas in Algeria, reports said Saturday.

10.   No public outbursts.

a. + outburst >>共 243
angry 8.96%
violent 8.81%
emotional 6.42%
latest 4.78%
occasional 3.58%
frequent 2.69%
rare 2.39%
sudden 2.24%
offensive 1.94%
new 1.79%
public 1.79%
public + n. >>共 762
support 2.43%
fund 2.08%
appearance 2.05%
hearing 1.96%
comment 1.87%
official 1.85%
transport 1.69%
education 1.68%
statement 1.66%
office 1.58%
outburst 0.02%
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