1.   He takes five medications for his psychotic delusions, and seems contrite about his crimes, which include the rape of his twin cousins.

2.   Lawyers for Richard H. Rosenthal contended that psychotic delusions rendered him criminally insane when he killed his wife, Laura Jane.

3.   Little sympathy accrues to a dead man who killed two and wounded five others who happened into the path of his psychotic delusions and his semiautomatic rifle.

4.   Six showed evidence of psychotic delusions.

5.   The defense contends that Salvi was in the grips of psychotic delusions about a conspiracy directed against Catholics by Freemasons.

6.   Was he operating under psychotic delusions when he burst into those clinics with guns blazing?

7.   Soltys, Rosenfeld said, may have been acting under psychotic delusions that led him to believe there was a rational reason to kill persons on his list.

8.   The judge ruled that she suffered from psychotic delusions of persecution.

a. + delusion >>共 60
paranoid 11.83%
psychotic 8.60%
mass 3.23%
intricate 3.23%
grand 3.23%
messianic 3.23%
cruel 2.15%
dangerous 2.15%
collective 2.15%
mental 2.15%
psychotic + n. >>共 60
episode 20.89%
killer 6.33%
behavior 5.70%
disorder 5.06%
delusion 5.06%
state 5.06%
symptom 4.43%
murderer 3.16%
feature 3.16%
breakdown 2.53%
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