1.   A court-ordered psychiatrist found that Black has major depression and other mental problems, according to court testimony.

2.   A psychiatrist found Duran capable of comprehending the charges against him.

3.   But a psychiatrist found nothing wrong.

4.   But with the discovery that some medications for epilepsy can calm manic episodes, psychiatrists have found a way to treat many of those patients.

5.   It all seemed to end with the absolution of Geoghan, in whom the psychiatrist found not even the slightest sign of a dangerous condition.

6.   Once securely lodged atop the mental health hierarchy, psychiatrists have increasingly found themselves forced to emphasize the differences between the professions.

7.   Prison psychiatrists repeatedly found that Kemp was mentally ill.

8.   Rubin said that two court-appointed psychiatrists had found Laudor unfit to proceed with a defense.

9.   The psychiatrists found that his condition might worsen if he was compelled to stand trial.

10.   Psychiatrists found that Bryant had deep personality problems, but the judge said it was clear that he was not mentally ill.

n. + find >>共 805
police 6.05%
study 5.40%
researcher 3.19%
investigator 2.76%
people 2.26%
survey 2.07%
company 2.07%
court 1.90%
jury 1.63%
report 1.57%
psychiatrist 0.06%
psychiatrist + v. >>共 158
say 18.53%
testify 6.62%
be 5.67%
examine 3.40%
find 3.21%
determine 2.46%
rule 2.27%
treat 2.08%
tell 2.08%
agree 1.89%
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