1.   And the market Monday was also watching the outcome of a referendum in Quebec on whether the province should secede from Canada.

2.   Ethnic Albanian political leaders, who want Kosovo province to secede from Serbia, have called for experts from the Hague tribunal to come.

3.   Rooted in the French-English divide of language and culture, the province might secede.

4.   Wahid has warned that if he is removed from office, six provinces would secede from Indonesia and keep him as their president.

5.   Voters in Quebec vote in a referendum on whether the province should secede from Canada.

6.   But she also emphasized that she would not allow the province to secede.

7.   His party serves in Parliament only as a voice for Quebeckers who want their mostly French-speaking province to secede from Canada.

8.   Megawati last week apologized for atrocities committed by the Indonesian army in Aceh, but said she would never allow the province to secede.

9.   Megawati apologized last month for atrocities committed in Aceh by the Indonesian army, but said she would never allow the province to secede.

10.   On Wednesday, Toamasina Gov. Samuel Lahady announced his province was seceding as well.

n. + secede >>共 17
province 25.76%
republic 25.76%
right 7.58%
territory 7.58%
region 6.06%
south 6.06%
state 6.06%
campaign 1.52%
community 1.52%
country 1.52%
province + v. >>共 260
be 27.12%
have 7.46%
remain 3.95%
become 2.60%
secede 1.92%
border 1.47%
need 1.02%
decide 1.02%
take 1.02%
pay 1.02%
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