1.   The demonstrators in this predominantly Protestant British province say they are protesting because they feel that the order blocking an annual patriotic march is an insult to their heritage.

2.   Negotiators working at tables littered with styrofoam coffee cups adopted an African National Congress proposal giving provinces say over specific areas, including airports and local roads.

3.   Other provinces said they were busy evaluating which institutions would be able to supply the drug.

4.   The province said Tuesday there are no grounds to appeal a recent court ruling that made it legal for women to openly bare their breasts.

5.   The province says since that land is owned by Ottawa, it must play a leading role in the cleanup.

6.   Three women in Ilgin also were treated for shock, Gov. Ahmet Kayhan of Konya province said.

7.   A Spanish Civil Guard officer was killed Saturday in an attack in the Basque Country town of Zierbena, the prefecture in Biscaye province said.

8.   Two German provinces said Monday they would suspend indefinitely the expulsion of Nigerians who failed to secure political asylum here.

n. + say >>共 480
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province 0%
province + v. >>共 260
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