1.   As the investment arm of Guangdong, the fast-growing province bordering Hong Kong, GITIC obtained loans and issued bonds overseas to finance local projects.

2.   Hatay province borders Syria and is the southernmost region in Turkey.

3.   In this overwhelmingly Buddhist country, the four Muslim-dominated provinces bordering Malaysia are a world apart.

4.   Samagan province borders the former Soviet republic of Uzbekistan.

5.   Quang Tri province bordered the demilitarized zone and was an area of heavy fighting during the Vietnam War.

6.   The northern Gilan province borders the oil-rich Caspian.

7.   The province borders Kompong Thom.

8.   The province borders the Malaysian states of Sarawak and Sabah on the island of Borneo.

9.   Another nine PKK rebels were killed in fighting in a mountainous area of Mardin province bordering Iraq, it said.

10.   Bubanza province borders on Citiboke province, the scene of clashes between the regular army and armed Hutu bands making incursions from neighbouring Zaire.

n. + border >>共 200
region 5.06%
area 4.75%
country 4.43%
province 4.11%
state 4.11%
republic 3.80%
neighborhood 1.27%
enclave 1.27%
tree 1.27%
nation 0.95%
province + v. >>共 260
be 27.12%
have 7.46%
remain 3.95%
become 2.60%
secede 1.92%
border 1.47%
need 1.02%
decide 1.02%
take 1.02%
pay 1.02%
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