1.   The aim of the self-monitoring project is to provide the tool with which staff of the Humanities department may evaluate their own teaching performance and practice.

2.   LIFESPAN provides a tool to ensure that you know what you are inspecting, i.e. that no-one can modify the modules you are inspecting.

3.   Office systems provide electronic tools to support a range of administrative functions which most desk-based staff will undertake in addition to their substantive business functions.

4.   And it wants to build public confidence in the Internet as a safe place to do business by providing tools to protect personal privacy.

5.   And where the Internet provides access to more pornography and hate speech than governments can stomach, it also provides the tools to let their citizens protect themselves.

6.   Both provide tools that allow you to enter information about courses, including meeting times, contact information for professors and assignments.

7.   A smoothing tool is provided to make things look nicer.

8.   All three provide tools that allow parents to block access to such features as chat lines and forums devoted to sexual topics.

9.   But despite their languid development, biotech companies look to provide valuable tools to some large, lucrative markets.

10.   But other proposals from the attorney general do not seem to provide tools agents really need.

v. + tool >>共 316
use 18.93%
have 11.19%
make 3.61%
provide 3.53%
down 2.93%
develop 2.63%
offer 1.88%
find 1.73%
include 1.73%
need 1.73%
provide + n. >>共 996
detail 6.39%
information 4.94%
service 4.41%
support 2.30%
evidence 1.86%
assistance 1.63%
security 1.54%
money 1.50%
protection 1.39%
opportunity 1.33%
tool 0.10%
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