1.   However, they do provide the reader with some indication of the growth and size of the overall Market.

2.   This is in order to provide the reader with a mental picture of the house as the technical options are discussed.

3.   Newspapers have a duty to provide readers with the facts.

4.   This manual is intended to provide its readers with a general understanding of what LIFESPAN is, what it does and how it is used.

5.   The play text of Professional Foul begins with an extensive set of stage directions, among which Stoppard provides the reader with some brief descriptions of Anderson.

6.   At the least, it would have provided readers with the views of the agency that stood accused in the series.

7.   Bauer also provides readers with up-to-date health and fitness news, training programs and advice, nutrition information and recipes, plus the latest on fitness walking equipment.

8.   Because the passage of time makes it difficult to authenticate names, Storin invited Smith to assist in the effort to provide readers with an honest accounting.

9.   All things considered, Life provided its readers with a remarkably detailed picture of the war in the Pacific.

10.   Donlan provides readers with an excellent overview of the private and public pension systems and the largely untold story of the gloomy future they face.

v. + reader >>共 355
take 4.72%
attract 4.37%
leave 3.15%
tell 2.45%
ask 2.36%
draw 2.27%
provide 2.01%
inform 1.84%
have 1.84%
keep 1.57%
provide + n. >>共 996
detail 6.39%
information 4.94%
service 4.41%
support 2.30%
evidence 1.86%
assistance 1.63%
security 1.54%
money 1.50%
protection 1.39%
opportunity 1.33%
reader 0.05%
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