1.   But if the NCAA can prove wrongdoing, the association will not sell to the original ticket holder again.

2.   But it is typically very difficult to prove such wrongdoing.

3.   He said he would change the legal requirements for proving wrongdoing by a health maintenance organization.

4.   However, California law holds a trainer responsible for the condition of his horse, even if no wrongdoing is proved.

5.   In Massachusetts, Joanna Connolly, an assistant attorney general, said the problem was that the burden of proving wrongdoing rested with the policyholder.

6.   Sen. John Glenn, D-Ohio, said accusations do not prove wrongdoing.

7.   The Clinton administration accused the staff of mishandling funds, but no wrongdoing was proved against any of the staff.

8.   The group will have a hard time proving wrongdoing, he said.

9.   He challenged his critics to prove any wrongdoing.

10.   He said coercing people to hand over large amounts of money was against already existing laws, but it was hard to prove such wrongdoing.

v. + wrongdoing >>共 102
deny 75.81%
admit 9.22%
find 2.34%
acknowledge 1.38%
commit 0.99%
investigate 0.82%
uncover 0.60%
prove 0.53%
allege 0.43%
discover 0.39%
prove + n. >>共 790
point 10.35%
innocence 5.02%
case 4.72%
worth 3.01%
charge 1.84%
allegation 1.84%
claim 1.53%
mettle 1.44%
boon 1.41%
fitness 1.29%
wrongdoing 0.45%
每页显示:    共 15