1.   The Cherry and Whites first division future is on the line tomorrow... having lost four of their opening five matches defeat against the saracens could prove fatal...

2.   And a DEA laboratory in Dallas is analyzing the drugs, trying to learn as much as possible about the mixture of substances that proved fatal.

3.   Any expensive problems discovered in these safety reviews could prove fatal to some plants, especially older reactors that have fewer years left to operate anyway.

4.   But the non-binding poll designed to raise funds for the state Republican Party in Iowa may have proved fatal for at least one candidate.

5.   The brain injuries only proved fatal, they say, when they started to bleed again.

6.   The causes of the explosion that proved fatal to the ship and crew are still unknown, the admiral said.

7.   Today, even though prostate cancer is being diagnosed with increasing frequency, the odds that it will prove fatal are declining because of earlier detection and better treatment.

8.   Authorities have expressed guarded optimism that the split could eventually prove fatal to the movement.

9.   It was a bogey that Brooks figured would prove fatal.

10.   It is the complications rather than the original infection that most often prove fatal.

v. + fatal >>共 4
prove 68.75%
consider 18.75%
have 6.25%
make 6.25%
prove + a. >>共 282
wrong 31.04%
right 7.57%
correct 3.82%
effective 3.13%
guilty 2.75%
difficult 2.45%
true 2.45%
false 2.06%
worthy 1.83%
innocent 1.76%
fatal 0.84%
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