1.   Cryptosporidium is a coccidian protozoan parasite found in birds, fish, reptiles, and mammals.

2.   A protozoan parasite in the tick causes the disease by invading red blood cells.

3.   For example, spoiled food commonly contains toxoplasma, a protozoan parasite.

4.   He is trying to isolate the strands of protozoan parasites that infect the water supply and give children dysentery.

5.   Malaria spreads by a protozoan parasite that has three stages in its life cycle.

a. + parasite >>共 101
intestinal 10.73%
malarial 6.21%
microscopic 5.65%
adult 2.82%
protozoan 2.82%
dangerous 2.26%
mosquito-borne 2.26%
new 2.26%
tiny 2.26%
common 1.69%
protozoan + n. >>共 4
parasite 62.50%
blood 12.50%
encephalitis 12.50%
level 12.50%
每页显示:    共 5