1.   A prototype interceptor in the Marshall Islands headed toward a dummy warhead on Saturday.

2.   For the second time in four tries, the Pentagon said, a prototype interceptor hit and destroyed a dummy warhead far above the Pacific.

3.   Since then, prototype interceptors have scored four consecutive direct hits on targets, three of them long-range ballistic missiles.

4.   The last two tests of the prototype missile interceptor revealed significant problems.

5.   To date, the Pentagon has conducted four tests of its prototype anti-missile interceptor, and succeeded twice.

6.   A prototype interceptor is to be launched from a missile range in the Pacific next Tuesday.

7.   A prototype missile interceptor, thrust into space aboard a two-stage booster rocket, hit and destroyed its target in space.

8.   A prototype interceptor is to be launched from Kwajalein next Tuesday.

9.   It will be the fourth attempt to shoot down a long-range missile with a prototype interceptor.

10.   The one being tested uses prototype interceptors and radars.

n. + interceptor >>共 8
missile 68.97%
prototype 17.24%
fire 3.45%
oil 3.45%
defense 1.72%
jet 1.72%
test 1.72%
two-stage 1.72%
prototype + n. >>共 145
stage 4.62%
system 4.62%
interceptor 3.85%
car 3.85%
device 3.08%
version 2.69%
machine 2.31%
reactor 2.31%
rocket 2.31%
design 1.92%
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